Welcome to the WINNING INSIDE with Cheddy and Michelle Podcast website!
Sept. 29, 2022

The Lies We Live By: Earning Love

The Lies We Live By: Earning Love

In this episode, Cheddy and Michelle discuss: Where the belief that we have to earn love or acceptance originates.  How we express love and how we receive it - The 5 Love Languages ™  Key takeaways: It’s okay to ask someone how they...

In this episode, Cheddy and Michelle discuss:

  • Where the belief that we have to earn love or acceptance originates. 
  • How we express love and how we receive it - The 5 Love Languages ™ 

Key takeaways:

  • It’s okay to ask someone how they prefer to express and receive love.
  • Conditional love or acceptance is a moving target.


“Love is not a prize (to be won), it’s a gift that we give.” -Michelle Wickman


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