Welcome to the WINNING INSIDE with Cheddy and Michelle Podcast website!

Reneé Coakley: Faith and Beautiful Resilience

In this episode, Cheddy and Michelle discuss:

Renee Coakley’s Story

Still birth at 36 weeks

Beating stage 2 breast cancer

Turning your pain into power

Healing through the sharing of your circumstance

Using faith to overcome multiple traumas

Key takeaways:

Finding peace in the chaos and still finding peace in the things you can’t control.

The healing from your trauma might allow you to be the one person someone can come to for help through their situation.

Finding the faith to know your healing is always “on time.”

“So what set me back a year ago has actually propelled me even further today. And I’m in the best position today… even better than I was a year ago -and healed!” -Reneé Coakley

Follow Reneé Coakley on instagram: @heyreneeashley

Website: www.WinningInside.io

Michelle: www.WickmanWellness.com

Cheddy: www.CheddyMatthews.com

Email: WinningInsidePodcast@gmail.com

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