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The Power of the Collective Mindset: Reference Groups

In this episode, Cheddy and Michelle discuss: What are reference groups? How reference groups can help Clearing your energy Empowered to choose

Key takeaways:

Your reference group is the people that you associate yourself with, the people that heavily influence you and greatly relate to you in your season of life. Having a reference group can inspire you to grow, achieve goals and be a better person. They might share new insights that can create breakthroughs in your life, and they might be able to influence you positively. Some groups in your life can impact you negatively. That’s why it’s important to have resources and tools that will help you clear your energy and reset your mind. Try meditation, mindfulness, or breathwork. Put yourself in the headspace of empowerment - from that space of having no choice into knowing that you do have a choice, and you are making that choice.

“When you realize that you have a choice, when you feel like you have a choice, your sensation of empowerment versus being a victim or forced into these experiences and actions - your experience of being empowered elevates… when you begin to live with choice.” - Michelle Wickman

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Connect with Cheddy Matthews:

Website: www.HEDSpaceCoaching.com

Book: www.calendly.com/cheddymatthews

Show: www.WinningInside.io

Email: CheddySpeaks@gmail.com

Twitter: @CheddySpeaks

Facebook: @CheddySpeaks

YouTube: @CheddySpeaks

LinkedIn: www.LinkedIn.com/in/CheddyMatthews

Instagram: @CheddySpeaks

Connect with Michelle Wickman:

Website: www.WickmanWellness.com

Book: https://www.lifecoachmichelle.as.me

Show: www.WinningInside.io

Email: Michelle@wickmanwellness.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wickman.michelle

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michellewickman/
