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Work, Play, and Rest Hard

In this episode, Cheddy and Michelle discuss:

Working, Playing, and Resting Hard.

The best time to make decisions and take action.

Life is in the middle and living a full life is experiencing all of it.

Using tools (like a pomodoro clock) to increase work efficiency.

Key takeaways:

You will take the amount of time to allot for a task.

Resting hard allows you to be fully present in life

Take time once a quarter to evaluate how invested you are in work, play, and rest.

Playing hard may drain some people while it may rejuvenate others, know which one you are.

“If you give yourself two years to accomplish that goal, 99% of the time, if not more, you will take the full two years. If you give yourself an hour to write one email, you’re gonna take that full hour. Even if you are doing the thing, you’re not necessarily maximizing your efficiency and your work...” -Michelle Wickman

Website: www.WinningInside.io

Michelle: www.WickmanWellness.com

Cheddy: www.CheddyMatthews.com

Email: WinningInsidePodcast@gmail.com

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